"I am what I am: an individual, unique
and different, with a lineal history of an ancestral promptings and urgings, a
history of dreams, desires, and of special experiences, of all which I am the
sum total."
- Charlie Chaplin.
live in a world where there are full of competition. One can never walk around
streets and hallways without being eyed by an observer, a critic. Those are the
type of person who would throw opinions at you may it be bad or good. People
are never satisfied. Even though you are successful with your career, they are
still going to disparage your doings. They would look for something bad at you,
not because their insecure but because this word “compare” exist. You are
compared to others as if it is your job to be exactly like them.
Individuals – each of us are and have the right to be called by this because we
are specific, from our traits to goals. We may have similarities but still, we
are different from each other. Can we remind all people who keep on comparing
people to others? No. Actually those judgmental groupies know how we differ.
Yet, they would love to generate bad remarks about you especially if you are
succeeding. Then pity you if you are failing. Those people who wants to be in
the spotlight had to endure the feedback and those who don’t like criticism
will be a center of laughing stock. Ironic as it may be, let’s face facts.
That’s how the world works.
There are no such things as dumb, stupid, irresponsible and etcetera if they were
developed to be someone with self-trust and confidence. Nevertheless, with the
annoying environment, we tend to have this people. If they haven’t turned their
faces from the world, they could have been big people. Stars or maybe plays a
vital role in our society. But then it was too late. The damage has been done
and like an old tree, it’s hard for it to bend anymore. Well, to those who can
still be bended, be reminded: Let people do critics on you, that’ how they live
their life but don’t let those critics meddle with your goals. As what Dr.
Seuss has said: “Be what you are, those who mind doesn’t matter and those who
matter doesn't mind.”
Never let yourself be vain or bitter by comparing. Just do your thing. Be aware
with the world but this doesn't mean give out disapproval to things that
doesn’t pass your standards. Be the best you can be but keep your feet glued to
the ground. Those people will seek for your weakness, be kind to them still.
You are worth their time so be thankful, you must be precious. Think of it, we
live in a common world but we are all different.
Always remember that you can never change the world with one
click. Old habits die hard so people will keep on the traditional judging. It
must be a part of the culture now but what we should do is teach the young’s
not to be affected by this. Let the next generation shine and excel with their
chosen paths. Not the path chosen by some critic. True enough we need other’s
advice but we should have self-trust. The final decision is up to us so we our
life is still in our hands. You can never be Einstein, Bill Gates or Jose Rizal
but you can be the best of yourself. Make most of it and express yourself
because life is short to hide everything. Each is individual so live life
harmonizing with your unique fashion.

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