Monday, August 18, 2014

Her Unconditional Love

     From the moment we are conceived in this world, we are loved. Mother’s love is unconditional. No matter how they would say they hate, despise and loathe you for your misdeeds she will always be there when you need her. It is one of God’s greatest gifts – to have someone that will instantly love you with her in this mischievous world. Teenagers would say, “No! She doesn't love me. She wants me to suffer!” Here’s the response to that, mother love their child with every breath they take in a way children could never understand.
     Imagine your mother taking good care of a baby. That baby may cry and your mother has other things to do yet she would take both responsibilities. She would hush the child and do her tasks. Then mother have to take care of herself too in order to entertain her husband and create a harmonious relationship around the family. If you are that baby, do you think her hard works had paid off?
     God made mothers with these qualities so each child can feel the love meant for him, from God channeled through the mother. Mother can be a guidance counselor, your best friend, your partner and your enemy. In her, you can find solace. She would love the person you want her to because she loves you. Some are maybe busy, ill-tempered and etc. But why do you think they are like that? Maybe they are having bad time doing something good for you.
     They have pretty sharp instincts about things that will happen to you. That’s why the “Mothers knows best” is a very popular quote. They are God’s version of undying love for you. Maybe they would get angry but their love for you is eternal. Never will it fade. They would risk life just to have you live.
      See how lucky we are? We get to have someone who loves us especially when they are still alive. Value yours and never forget to tell them how you love them. Express everything because life is short. You’ll never know it’s too late until you had your chances away. Her unconditional love is irreplaceable so realize her worth. She has done her job in nourishing you when you were a child, do the favor back.

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