Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Holding On

ID# 2587 - Stick Figure Sitting Confused - PowerPoint Animation Life is unfair. Life is tiresome. You find happiness but cry afterwards. You get to have luxurious life and suffer with the absence of it. You realize you were wrong but you’re too late. Sometimes life sucks. We want to give up. Not wanting to continue anymore. What’s there to continue when you have lost all your hopes?

     You get to wake up every day. Every sunrise, it’s a sign of new day, new hopes and new chances. If you are failed, or felt like a failure, do a finite disappointment. Not lose an infinite hope. We live in a very complicated world. One step can make a snap of change. So never lose hope and give up. For once, we are human beings, designed not to be perfect to create a world full of fun, adventures, sorrow, happiness and fall. Our Creator wants us to experience everything so go with the flow.

     Some things are not meant for us but it doesn't mean we have to give them up. You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world's problems at once but don't ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own. In this world full of unexpected events, we just have to assume for the worst and hope for the best.

     You see, hope is what lights every problematic faces. Never give up to things that can be fixed. If it can’t, find something more worthwhile for your hope. Life is great! Notice it. It may give you migraines but life is love. Try nourishing it. Hold on to a thing who means the effort. But don’t judge easily. Everything’s worth a try. Just what Mae West quoted, "You only live once but if you do it right, once is enough."

Each is Individual

"I am what I am: an individual, unique and different, with a lineal history of an ancestral promptings and urgings, a history of dreams, desires, and of special experiences, of all which I am the sum total." 
       - Charlie Chaplin.

We live in a world where there are full of competition. One can never walk around streets and hallways without being eyed by an observer, a critic. Those are the type of person who would throw opinions at you may it be bad or good. People are never satisfied. Even though you are successful with your career, they are still going to disparage your doings. They would look for something bad at you, not because their insecure but because this word “compare” exist. You are compared to others as if it is your job to be exactly like them.

     Individuals – each of us are and have the right to be called by this because we are specific, from our traits to goals. We may have similarities but still, we are different from each other. Can we remind all people who keep on comparing people to others? No. Actually those judgmental groupies know how we differ. Yet, they would love to generate bad remarks about you especially if you are succeeding. Then pity you if you are failing. Those people who wants to be in the spotlight had to endure the feedback and those who don’t like criticism will be a center of laughing stock. Ironic as it may be, let’s face facts. That’s how the world works. 
     There are no such things as dumb, stupid, irresponsible and etcetera if they were developed to be someone with self-trust and confidence. Nevertheless, with the annoying environment, we tend to have this people. If they haven’t turned their faces from the world, they could have been big people. Stars or maybe plays a vital role in our society. But then it was too late. The damage has been done and like an old tree, it’s hard for it to bend anymore. Well, to those who can still be bended, be reminded: Let people do critics on you, that’ how they live their life but don’t let those critics meddle with your goals. As what Dr. Seuss has said: “Be what you are, those who mind doesn’t matter and those who matter doesn't mind.”

     Never let yourself be vain or bitter by comparing. Just do your thing. Be aware with the world but this doesn't mean give out disapproval to things that doesn’t pass your standards. Be the best you can be but keep your feet glued to the ground. Those people will seek for your weakness, be kind to them still. You are worth their time so be thankful, you must be precious. Think of it, we live in a common world but we are all different.

     Always remember that you can never change the world with one click. Old habits die hard so people will keep on the traditional judging. It must be a part of the culture now but what we should do is teach the young’s not to be affected by this. Let the next generation shine and excel with their chosen paths. Not the path chosen by some critic. True enough we need other’s advice but we should have self-trust. The final decision is up to us so we our life is still in our hands. You can never be Einstein, Bill Gates or Jose Rizal but you can be the best of yourself. Make most of it and express yourself because life is short to hide everything. Each is individual so live life harmonizing with your unique fashion.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Her Unconditional Love

     From the moment we are conceived in this world, we are loved. Mother’s love is unconditional. No matter how they would say they hate, despise and loathe you for your misdeeds she will always be there when you need her. It is one of God’s greatest gifts – to have someone that will instantly love you with her in this mischievous world. Teenagers would say, “No! She doesn't love me. She wants me to suffer!” Here’s the response to that, mother love their child with every breath they take in a way children could never understand.
     Imagine your mother taking good care of a baby. That baby may cry and your mother has other things to do yet she would take both responsibilities. She would hush the child and do her tasks. Then mother have to take care of herself too in order to entertain her husband and create a harmonious relationship around the family. If you are that baby, do you think her hard works had paid off?
     God made mothers with these qualities so each child can feel the love meant for him, from God channeled through the mother. Mother can be a guidance counselor, your best friend, your partner and your enemy. In her, you can find solace. She would love the person you want her to because she loves you. Some are maybe busy, ill-tempered and etc. But why do you think they are like that? Maybe they are having bad time doing something good for you.
     They have pretty sharp instincts about things that will happen to you. That’s why the “Mothers knows best” is a very popular quote. They are God’s version of undying love for you. Maybe they would get angry but their love for you is eternal. Never will it fade. They would risk life just to have you live.
      See how lucky we are? We get to have someone who loves us especially when they are still alive. Value yours and never forget to tell them how you love them. Express everything because life is short. You’ll never know it’s too late until you had your chances away. Her unconditional love is irreplaceable so realize her worth. She has done her job in nourishing you when you were a child, do the favor back.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Other Side of Adultery

     Adultery, one of the things God told us not to do as listed in the Ten Commandments. But do you ever wonder why? We all know things happen for a reason. And Adultery affects the families involved badly. Do the reasons include hurting them? Affecting their emotional states and let the children suffer and ruin their life's perspectives? Why do people indulge adultery in spite of knowing the consequences? Why do married men hurt their wives? Why do the mistresses agreed to be a third party?
     Some says that because of sexual needs. Mistresses are said to be better partners at bed, unlike the wives wherein motherhood had develop their attitudes well. But some have these types of relationships because of challenge, a bet or a sort of revenge. Especially those women/men who are drown into a very liberated life that they tend to give more importance to fun than dignity. Also, I heard some that having relationships However, such reason happens quite seldom. Moreover, people talks about it were because of love. They say love makes them do it against all odds, against God, Himself. Forbidden Love as they would quote it. Well for me, I really think this is because of money. Biting the bullet. If you dream of something and you are very determined to achieve that dream won't you risk everything? Sacrifice is a part of discipline where it is the vital ingredient for success.
     Each of the individuals who are accounted to such activity has their own particular reasons. Furthermore, no matter how they had affected certain families doesn't mean we have the rights to criticize and judge them to our heart's desire. God had allowed such things to happen so all there’s left is to bear, do what is right and have faith. If they had the choice would you think you can see them having the relationship? You might say “I’ll find a better way.” “I’ll never be into that kind of mortifying act.” Or “I’ll do my best to avoid this.” But you would never know until you are really there right?
     I am not giving the suspects of adultery the favor but rather I want to give you a view of what and how they feel. Never judge because you have just looked at the other side and haven’t seen the other. Maybe some of their reasons are cheap, they can’t control their emotions and it is their weakness but do not react. The least you could do is be thankful for you haven’t blessed with a mind who thinks like them.
     Life is short to spend it on judging others. Many unwanted examples are shown publicly but instead of giving out comments, try to learn from it and help them fix their way to righteousness. Be the reason for their change, not for their breakdown. Give them chance to prove themselves because we all know we have its own ups and downs. Reflect on their behaviors and be the person who won’t degrade their selves for the matter.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Patriotism of Today


     After the vast changes that had occurred in our world, everything seems to evolve. People's principles changed big deal. Especially us, Pilipinos. Some decades ago, Filipinos were in hunger for freedom. They wanted change; to create something and love their own. They call it patriotism, nationalism -- the love for our own country. Now, reflect on Filipinos. We are now labeled as great imitators. Our countrymen tend to give more importance to the trending fashion, technologies and lifestyles of other countries than treasure the freedom we had for many years.

   According to Ramon Hormillo, a freelance photographer, "the country is at war at himself." Yes. A bitter fact we Pilipinos should know. We don't give much care to our country, no loyalty. We became proud Pilipinos only when there are certain countrymen who gave honor and pride to the country. We love our nation because of Pacquiao, Lea Salonga, Nicole Scherzinger, Allan Pineda, Vanessa Hudgens, Bruno Mars and etc. We are not proud Pilipinos because of our nation; the blood, the tears and the life wasted for a freedom of our own country.

     It is very ironic knowing that our fellow countrymen value our nation less. Give more attention to other countries and nourishing other foreign lifestyles. For the generation of today, it is cooler to give more attention to other industrialized country. Can we make the efforts of our ancestors be in vain? We are once obliged. We serve foreign countries by force, and now we are willing subject in imitating, idolizing others.

  The government says we are rising. The economy is slowly awakening. But why do Pilipinos make it very heavy for it to fall again? Let us all wake up. Our life belongs to the culture and nation we are in. not foreign cultures. We should be proud because our heroes before sacrificed their life for us to nourish the freedom we have now. Live life to the fullest as Pilipinos, by blood, by culture and by language.